23 July 2008

Why did rates increase

This rate increase will help cover the rising costs of providing you with high quality water, reliable service, and environmental protection - a vital foundation for the health and quality of life in our community.

The cost of providing safe, reliable water and wastewater services continue to increase, making it necessary to change rates. Our agin water and wastewater infrastructure requires ongoing maintenance and upgrades to meet the needs for our growing community. In addition, we are making critical improvements in both our water and wastewater systems to safeguard the water supply and protect our environment.

The new rates will also enable us to replace/repair aging infrastructure. Delivering safe, reliable drinking water and cleaning the used water requires chemical, fuel and energy. We are faced with higher costs for those items. The Town of Tryon remains committed to providing you with excellent drinking water and wastewater services that are protective of your health and provide you with the quality of life that you desire for our community.


Stop Leaks. Repair leaks in your faucets and toilets. Check your toilet for leaks by adding food coloring to the tank. If the toilet is leaking, color will appear in the bowl withing 15 minutes. Make sure to flush as soon as the test is over, as the food coloring will stain the tank.

Have a makeover. Give your bathroom a water efficiency makeover with WaterSense labeled toilets and faucets to save more than 11,000 gallons of water a year. When you save water, you save money.

Water when needed. Water your lawn only when needed. If you can easily stick a screwdriver into your lawn, don't water. Watering during the heat of the day can actually harm your lawn by "scalding" or "burning" it. Early morning when the dew is still present is generally better for watering than dusk, since that helps prevent growth of fungus.


Conserving water can make a significant difference on your water and wastewater bills. When you use less water, it costs less money.